Petrol station and service area, Geseke

Petrol station and service area, Geseke

Petrol station and service area, Geseke Petrol station and service area, Geseke Petrol station and service area, Geseke Hellweg Süd service area in Geseke The Hellweg Süd service area in Geseke is located on the A44 and covers a total area of 6,320 m². The timber...
Ice Rink, Leeuwarden (NL)

Ice Rink, Leeuwarden (NL)

Ice rinkLeeuwarden (NL) Ice rinkLeuwaarden (NL) Ice rink made of wood The ice rink in the Dutch city of Leeuwarden was completed in 2015, just in time for the skating season. DERIX supplied 64 arch trusses, each 22 metres long, for the supporting structure...
Office building Leister, Willich

Office building Leister, Willich

Office building LeisterWillich Office building LeisterWillich Office building LeisterWillich Office building LeisterWillich Office building made of wood The office building of the Leister company in Willich was made of ten DERIX wooden modules and stands opposite the...
Gastro Pavilion, Düsseldorf

Gastro Pavilion, Düsseldorf

Gastro PavilionDüsseldorf Gastro PavilionDüsseldorf Gastro PavilionDüsseldorf Gastro PavilionDüsseldorf Gastro PavilionDüsseldorf Gastro Pavilion at Martin-Luther-Platz A gastronomy pavilion was built next to the St. John’s Church in Düsseldorf on...
Wooden primary school, Berlin

Wooden primary school, Berlin

Hausburg School Berlin Primary school made of wood Flexibility and sustainability – these were the guiding principles in the construction of the Hausburg primary school in Berlin. Although the building is to remain at its current location on Otto Ostrowski...