We live sustainability
Focus on our future

DERIX: Sustainable company
by conviction

Sustainable thinking and action is our guiding principle. We not only focus on sustainability in our timber products, but also on the topics of environmental protection, ecology and the future in all other areas of our work – from our resource-efficient machinery to e-mobility and sustainable finance. Because we are sustainable by conviction.

Sustainable in
many areas

Whether e-bikes, photovoltaic systems or state-of-the-art technologies – we at DERIX focus on sustainability in all areas of our work. This is how we take responsibility.

DERIX cradle to cradle

The full implementation of the Cradle to Cradle idea is a central goal of our philosophy. That is why we were the first company in the industry to commit to a general take-back of our components. This means that we take back the timber constructions and timber components we have created at the end of the building’s service life, which is defined by the customer, and reuse the timber for any new constructions and components. In this way, we work in a highly resource-efficient and sustainable manner, because the raw material is thus only obtained once and then used again and again.

DERIX CO2 neutrality

The DERIX Group produces and operates in a climate-neutral manner. As early as 2022, DERIX had a comprehensive CO2 balance drawn up for the entire company. The result was extremely good for a manufacturing company: Due to numerous optimisation measures already implemented, the emitted values were extremely low. The emissions are now offset by the purchase of corresponding CO2 certificates.

DERIX climate

The DERIX Group has been an official partner of „Holz rettet Klima“ since the end of 2024. Founded in 2023 by the German Timber Industry Council (DHWR), the initiative strives for Germany to play a pioneering role in the use and processing of sustainable, domestic wood – for the benefit of the climate, our forests and people. With this initiative, the DHWR wants to bring together all members of the timber industry and activate them as ambassadors for climate protection through wood.

DERIX biobased

Since the beginning of 2024, the DERIX Group has been using a new type of bio-based adhesive in its production of sustainable wooden components. In “Loctite HB S Eco”, 63% of the chemical starting materials are no longer obtained from fossil raw materials, but are bio-based – i.e. from renewable or recycled starting materials. This significantly reduces the adhesive’s CO2 footprint. DERIX is the first timber engineering company in the world to use bio-based adhesives in its production.

DERIX packaging

As transport packaging for its finished components, the DERIX Group uses sustainable films with a recycled content of up to 82%, which have been awarded the Blue Angel and reduce the CO2 footprint by a third compared to conventional films. DERIX has worked together with the NRW Efficiency Agency to identify the most sustainable films.

DERIX efficiency

Our way of working is efficient and resource-saving. We work with state-of-the-art production facilities that save energy and are very material-efficient. Our new X-LAM plant in Westerkappeln and our new finger jointing line in Niederkrüchten are good examples of the high value we place on the use of state-of-the-art technology. We also focus on efficiency with our organisational structure by applying the RAP principle.

DERIX finance

The partnership with GLS-Bank, the world’s first social-ecological bank, is another important component of our environmentally conscious actions. GLS Bank exclusively finances companies and projects that are committed to sustainability and thus take responsibility for our society.

DERIX for future:
Our actions for a better future

“Responsibility” is firmly anchored in our core values. We see it as part of our mission to protect our environment through sustainable action and thus preserve it for future generations. With our internal initiative “DERIX for future”, we design processes and structures within the DERIX-Group to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Together we are always finding new ideas and starting points on how to make our company a little bit more environmentally conscious and ecological – be it through the use of environmentally friendly office materials, the use of the tree-planting Ecosia search engine or office furniture made from X-LAM leftovers.

DERIX social

The DERIX Group sees sustainability not as a bundle of individual measures, but as a comprehensive corporate concept. DERIX not only continuously strives for optimization in the areas of production, construction and energy use, but also attaches great importance to social commitment. Examples of this are the DERIX donation of the building extension to the Tafel Brüggen e.V. and the support of the Hochneukirch children’s playground. DERIX regularly donates to charitable and non-profit organizations.

DERIX mobility

We are in a continuous development towards e-mobility. Our pool vehicle and some company cars are already e-cars. We will gradually convert our entire vehicle fleet to e-mobility. To avoid duplicate journeys, we organise car pools internally. We also contribute to the cost of e-bikes as part of our employees’ preventive health care. Charging stations for the e-bikes are available at our locations.

DERIX wasteless

Wood is a valuable raw material. That is why we should handle it conscientiously – and avoid any waste. We achieve this not only by using resource-efficient machines, but also by reusing wood scraps. That’s why we work together with the innovative start-up FIX Furniture. FIX designs and builds environmentally friendly and circular houses and furniture from wood. The young company creates high-quality and sustainable furniture from our X-LAM scraps. In this way, we ensure that as much wood as possible is used sensibly and its life cycle is extended, thus protecting the environment and the climate.


Take-back obligation

Sustainability and resource conservation are important guidelines in the DERIX-Group. That is why we actively promote the practice of circular construction: we are the first company in the industry to take back our timber construction elements. This ideally creates an infinite material cycle, in line with the Cradle to Cradle principle. Learn more about our take-back commitment.

This is DERIX

The DERIX-Group is a family business with tradition. Our corporate values are of great importance to us and we look to the future with an ambitious vision. Learn more about our working philosophy.

Building with wood

Wood is an excellent building material because its positive properties mean that this natural material offers a whole range of advantages when it comes to building. Learn more about the building material of the future and the advantages it brings.

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Your partner for timber construction

With DERIX as a strong partner at your side, you will implement your construction projects sustainably and efficiently.


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