Pine wood

Pine wood, which comes from the Pinus plant, is a popular softwood for versatile applications. In contrast to spruce, the outer sapwood and the inner heartwood are sharply separated in colour in a characteristic way. The heartwood initially has a reddish-yellow colour when fresh, but quickly darkens to a typical reddish-brown to reddish-brown age tone. The narrow to broad sapwood (width 2 to 10 cm, usually 3 to 6 cm), depending on the age of the tree and its location, is mainly yellowish white, sometimes reddish white.

Pronounced annual ring structure
and distinctive veins

The annual rings of pine are clearly separated from each other due to pronounced differences between earlywood and latewood. They measure 3 mm on average, but depending on the growing region they can be extremely narrow (barely millimetres wide) or wide (almost centimetres wide). The reddish to reddish-brown late wood, which is noticeably darker than the light early wood, is also usually relatively sharply separated within the annual rings and produces distinctive patches (tangential cut) or stripes (radial cut) on the longitudinal surfaces. This gives the pine wood a distinctive structure and makes it a decorative wood for many applications.

Resin channels as another feature

Another characteristic of pine wood are the numerous resin channels. These are significantly larger than those of spruce or larch and can already be seen with the naked eye on clean cross-sections. The pleasant resinous-aromatic smell of pine wood is another characteristic feature.

Overall character:
Straight-grained coniferous wood with reddish to reddish-brown heartwood colouring and pronounced earlywood-latewood contrast or distinct annual ring structure. Decorative.

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