Climate neutral

The term “climate neutral” can be used to describe a company or a product if the work processes of this company or the production of this product are either completely CO2 neutral (i.e. do not emit any CO2) or if the emitted CO2 is offset.

CO2 neutrality or compensation

For the amount of CO2 that cannot be further reduced through corresponding savings measures, CO2 compensation can be achieved through the purchase of CO2 certificates from verified climate protection projects. In the timber construction sector, there is an initiative of the HDH called KLIMASCHUTZ Holzindustrie, which awards corresponding certificates. The DERIX Group works with KLIMASCHUTZ Holzindustrie to ensure that its products are climate neutral.


Sustainable building with wood

Wood is a renewable and natural raw material that stores CO2 and thus relieves the environment. Buildings made of wood thus have a positive effect on the atmosphere and always remain a source of raw materials due to the reusability of wood. Learn more about the topic of sustainability when building with wood.

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