Fire station
in Reinbek
Fire station Reinbek
at a glance
Precision and safety in wood
in the Reinbek fire station
On an area of 3,189 m2, the new fire station offers twelve parking spaces for the fire service vehicles, a repair workshop, a tool hall, a wash hall, storage and social rooms, administrative offices and a spacious area for the youth fire brigade and breathing apparatus. The building impresses visually with a generous sense of space with light-coloured walls and ceilings.
The very precise planning of the fire station allowed only minimal tolerances in the joinery of the timber components. This is precisely where the DERIX Group’s state-of-the-art, automated CNC joinery technology paid off: All geometric specifications from the CAD are transferred 1:1 to the component. This ensures the prefabrication accuracy of the elements. The components were produced just in time and arrived at the construction site ready bound and on schedule. For the realisation of visible timber surfaces, the resilient room closure of the elements was fully confirmed by experts in the event of fire.
The early and close cooperation of all those involved in the project and their good understanding of timber construction made a decisive contribution to the smooth implementation and timely completion of the construction project.
Building project | Firestation Reinbek, Mühlenredder 45, 21465 Reinbek |
Construction method | Construction of the walls as timber frame construction/X-LAM, roof and ceiling in X-LAM trusses, purlins and supports glulam |
Construction time / completion | 2021 – 2023 |
Total area | 3189 m2 |
Volume of the timber components | 790 m3 glulam and X-LAM elements |
Stored CO2 in the construction | 600 tCO2 |
Avoided CO2 in the construction | 720 tCO2 |
Speed of regrowth in German forests | 24 minutes |
Building owner | City of Reinbek |
Architect | Rimpau Bauer Derveaux Partnerschaft von Architekten, Berlin, |
Engineering office | Planungswerft Schuchard & Stolte Ing. GmbH, Husum, |
Painting of components and delivery of X-LAM and glulam | DERIX-Gruppe |
Assembly | Holzbau Pagels, Bad Segeberg |
Prizes & Awards
for the Reinbek fire station
Timber construction prize
Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg 2024
The Reinbek fire station was awarded the Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg 2024 timber construction prize. The building impressed the jury with its innovative timber construction method. Wood was chosen as the building material for this building due to its ecological and structural advantages.