DERIX congratulates:
Dr. Nico Meyer receives first dissertation award

First-time awarding of the dissertation award Wood Building Culture Germany
from left: Peter Rothdach (Würth), award winner Dr. Nico Meyer (DERIX-Group) and laudator Prof. Stefan Krötsch (HTWG Konstanz). Image: proHolzBW © Christoph Morlok
On 18.10.2022, the doctoral prize “Holz-Baukultur Deutschland” was awarded for the first time at the timber construction conference in Baden-Württemberg. Dr. Nico Meyer, Head of “Statics and Construction” at DERIX Group, was awarded for his outstanding dissertation on the topic of “Load-bearing capacity of mechanical and bonded fasteners in laminated beech veneer lumber”. The doctoral award is aimed at the disciplines of architecture and civil engineering and recognises outstanding dissertations that have dealt with the advancement of wood use in construction, through scientific examination of wood as a material, as well as the practical application in construction that can be derived from it, between 2018 and 2021. “We warmly congratulate Nico Meyer on this award and are delighted with him on the recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements,” says Markus Derix, managing owner of DERIX Group. “The DERIX Group is a modern, future-oriented company where innovation and technical progress have a high priority. We attach great importance to efficient work and manufacturing processes and the use of state-of-the-art technology. Especially against this background, proximity to research and development is particularly important to us – it is nice that Nico Meyer brings this to the DERIX Group with his professional background and expertise,” Derix is pleased to say. Dr Nico Meyer completed his dissertation “Load-bearing capacity of mechanical and bonded fasteners in laminated beech veneer lumber” in 2020 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Since September 2020, Dr. Nico Meyer has been employed by DERIX Group as Head of “Statics and Construction”.
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