
The term “sustainability” originally comes from forestry. “Sustainable forestry” means that the number of trees removed from the forest is also replanted. This prevents the tree population of the forests from being reduced by the use of wood as a raw material.

Sustainability in the context
of natural resources

Beyond the field of forestry, “sustainability” refers to the economical and responsible use of non-renewable resources (e.g. petroleum) and the responsible use of renewable or renewable resources (e.g. fish and forest resources), taking into account their respective regenerative capacity. The current use of nature should be designed in such a way that the livelihoods of future generations are permanently preserved (generational responsibility).

Social and economic
dimensions of sustainability

In addition to dealing with natural resources, the concept of sustainability also includes the social and economic dimension with the demand for social justice and economic efficiency. Sustainability aims at long-term thinking and economic action. Responsibility for the people living today is combined with responsibility for future generations.


Sustainability is a concept that focuses on the responsible use of resources, the promotion of social justice and economic efficiency, and the preservation of livelihoods for future generations. It is important because it helps create a livable future for all and avoids environmental degradation and social and economic inequality.

It requires a rethink in our society and a shift to sustainable action in all areas. By applying sustainable principles and practices, we can help create a livable and just world for all of us and for future generations.


Sustainable building with wood

Wood is a renewable and natural raw material that stores CO2 and thus relieves the environment. Buildings made of wood thus have a positive effect on the atmosphere and always remain a source of raw materials due to the reusability of wood. Learn more about the topic of sustainability when building with wood.

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