Take-back obligation

Since 2021, the DERIX Group has been the first company in the industry to commit to taking back its glulam and X-LAM elements in accordance with the Cradle to Cradle principle. This supports a continuous and consistent circular economy that enables an infinite material cycle. The full implementation of the Cradle to Cradle idea is a central goal of our philosophy.

What does the take-back obligation mean?

The take-back obligation means that we take back the timber constructions and timber components created by us at the end of the building service life to be defined by the customer and reuse the timber for any new constructions and components. In this way, we work in a highly resource-efficient and sustainable way, because the raw material is only extracted once and then used again and again.


Take-back obligation

Sustainability and resource conservation are important guidelines in the DERIX Group. That is why we actively promote the practice of circular construction: we take back timber construction elements that are no longer used. This ideally creates an infinite material cycle for maximum sustainability and circularity. Learn more about our take-back commitment.

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With DERIX as a strong partner at your side, you will implement your construction projects sustainably and efficiently.


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