
The preparation of a CO2 footprint is a prerequisite if a company or product wants to use the “climate neutral” label.

For a CO2 balance, all emissions caused by the company or product are converted into CO2 equivalents. All emissions are taken into account here: In addition to direct emissions from operations such as on-site energy production (heat generation, electricity production, fuel consumption), these also include indirect emissions from purchased energy or upstream emissions from the production of fuels and PV systems and electricity grid operations, or business travel, commuting, water and waste, consumables and much more.

CO2 balance of the DERIX Group

In 2022, the DERIX Group drew up a carbon footprint for all its sites, which came to an excellent result and its low CO2-equivalent balance shows how effectively the DERIX Group has already implemented its sustainability strategy in recent years. At the same time, these very good values also form an optimal basis for achieving climate neutrality.


Sustainable building with wood

Wood is a renewable and natural raw material that stores CO2 and thus relieves the environment. Buildings made of wood thus have a positive effect on the atmosphere and always remain a source of raw materials due to the reusability of wood. Learn more about the topic of sustainability when building with wood.

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