
Circularity describes a cycle in which all resources are reused without producing waste. The materials used remain in the material cycle and the end product is returned to the starting point, so that the process continues in an endless loop. The application of circularity is possible not only in technical but also in biological and social contexts.

Circularity in the circular economy

The circular economy is about ensuring that all products and materials are used for as long as possible. In doing so, waste production is minimised and resource efficiency is maximised. The concept of circularity is a central building block here. By creating a closed loop, materials can be used again and again without producing waste.

(see also circular economy)


Sustainable building with wood

Wood is a renewable and natural raw material that stores CO2 and thus relieves the environment. Buildings made of wood thus have a positive effect on the atmosphere and always remain a source of raw materials due to the reusability of wood. Learn more about the topic of sustainability when building with wood.

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