Cascade use

Cascade use describes the step-by-step use of raw materials to extend their life cycle. In this process, the raw materials are used in several utilisation cycles, with the requirements decreasing with each cycle. For example, wood residues can be reused in furniture production or as paper after their first use as construction timber. Subsequently, they can serve as fuel in biomass power plants before finally being returned to the biological cycle through final thermal utilisation.

The advantages of cascade use

Cascade use offers numerous advantages. The step-by-step reuse of raw materials reduces the need for new resources and thus minimises the environmental impact. In addition, companies can save costs by using recycled raw materials.

The challenges of cascade use

Despite the numerous advantages offered by cascade use, there are also challenges to overcome. Effective implementation requires close cooperation between the different actors along the value chain, from raw material extraction to production and disposal. The legal framework must also be adapted to promote cascade use.


Sustainable building with wood

Wood is a renewable and natural raw material that stores CO2 and thus relieves the environment. Buildings made of wood thus have a positive effect on the atmosphere and always remain a source of raw materials due to the reusability of wood. Learn more about the topic of sustainability when building with wood.

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