Hausburg School

Primary school
made of wood

Flexibility and sustainability – these were the guiding principles in the construction of the Hausburg primary school in Berlin. Although the building is to remain at its current location on Otto Ostrowski Street for eight years, it is to be moved to a large, new school site with similar wooden modular schools in the future. So the choice fell on the wooden module construction: The solid wood modules and the flexible ceiling and floor panels make the construction easy to move.

Hausburg Primary School Berlin
at a glance

school building

The Hausburg primary school in Berlin is a three-storey modular building made of solid wood. It offers space for twelve classes and includes, among other things, four group rooms and a canteen for over 190 pupils. The building consists of 75 solid wood modules and individual ceiling and floor slabs. This construction allows the school to be moved and offers great flexibility in the floor plan design when it is rebuilt. The outer cladding can remain on the modules when they are rebuilt.
Building project Hausburg Primary School Berlin, Otto-Ostrowski-Straße, 10249 Berlin
Construction Wooden module construction
Completion Spring 2021
Volume of the wooden components 746 m3
Stored CO2 568 tCO2
Avoided CO2 682 tCO2
Regrowth speed in german forests 22 minutes
Client Kleusberg GmbH & Co. KG, D-Wissen
Building owner Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg District Office of Berlin
Architects NEMESIS GbR, Becker + Ohlmann, D-Berlin,
Work planning, joinery and delivery
X-LAM elements
DERIX-Group & Co., D-Niederkrüchten,
Prefabrication/assembly Kleusberg GmbH & Co. KG,

Hausburg School
in all dimensions

Discover the Hausburg School in our CAD model with all details and from all perspectives. Connection details and junctions are shown as examples and highlighted in red.

The advantages of wood
at the Hausburg School Berlin

The modular timber construction not only ensures enormous flexibility, but also has positive ecological effects. The deconstructability of the wooden elements makes the school building in Berlin particularly sustainable. The green roof of the building also contributes to the environmental friendliness. Another reason for choosing wood as a building material was that the school heats up very little in the summer, unlike container buildings.


Wooden module construction

Our timber modular construction method opens up a new dimension for fast and sustainable building: we prefabricate entire room cells from timber in the factory, which are then assembled on site. From planning to production to the turnkey building – get to know DERIX modular construction.

Schools made of wood

Learn more about constructing schools out of wood.

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