
DERIX congratulates:
615 years of company affiliation

Anniversaries and management


Anniversaries and management


At the company’s two production sites – in Niederkrüchten and in Westerkappeln – the commitment and long-standing loyalty of more than 30 employees celebrating their jubilee was honoured in a festive setting.

During a cosy get-together, anecdotes were exchanged, current events were discussed and glances into the past and future were cast.

“I find it quite remarkable how the DERIX Group has developed,” says Markus Derix, managing owner of the company. “Since my grandfather founded it as a wheelwright’s workshop almost 100 years ago, it has grown over the decades into one of the market leaders in the industry through production expansions, new product launches and the consistent use of innovative technologies. This success story could only be written with the right employees on board. I am very happy that we employ so many competent, committed and reliable people who identify with the DERIX Group and remain loyal to it for so long. That is our most important capital,” the managing director sums up. “The 40th anniversary of Bodo Niessen deserves special mention here – you have to look for such a long company affiliation nowadays!”, Derix continues.

Since building with wood has become a megatrend, the demand for this natural and climate-friendly building material is continuously increasing. In order to be able to meet this in the usual reliable manner, the DERIX Group expanded its production at the Westerkappeln site two years ago with a large, state-of-the-art plant for the manufacture of X-LAM (solid wood).

“Especially in the course of the production start of our new X-LAM plant, we naturally hired many new employees,” recalls Markus Brößkamp, Managing Director of the DERIX Group. “It is very important to us that our employees fit well with the DERIX Group and our way of working. We have a deliberately lean organisational structure here and work very team-oriented. Every individual bears responsibility with us and we solve problems together,” Markus Brößkamp explains. “If this suits both sides, the employees are satisfied and bring the company forward through their committed and successful work.”

Many employees obviously feel so comfortable at the DERIX Group that they stay – and for a long time. This was particularly evident at the two anniversary celebrations in November, where the management was able to congratulate more than 30 jubilarians on a total of 615 years of service with the DERIX Group.

“We are very pleased that our employees feel comfortable with us and have remained loyal to us for so many years. The long periods of service show the satisfaction and loyalty of the employees,” says Brößkamp. “Besides, satisfied employees are the best brand ambassadors for a company,” the CEO further explains. “When those in their circle of friends and acquaintances report positively about their employer, potential applicants learn first-hand that a job with us could be just right for them.”

In fact, the DERIX Group has vacancies at both production sites – both for salaried and industrial employees. The current vacancies, together with their job descriptions, can be viewed here: www.derix.de/unternehmen/karriere.

The DERIX Group congratulates its jubilarians:

That had to be celebrated:

This year, a total of 33 jubilarians could proudly look back on their many years of service at DERIX.

On 40 years with the DERIX Group
Bodo Niessen

On 35 years with the DERIX Group
Reiner Paesler
Martin Burbrink

On 30 years with the DERIX Group
Martin Meyer
Andreas Ostendorf
Jörg Sparenberg
Jürgen Finsterwalder
Stefan Wolters

On 25 years with the DERIX Group
Markus Eppels
Afrim Shabani
André Schmidt

On 20 years with the DERIX Group
Detlef Kock
Markus Klostermeyer
Michael Brieschke
Dirk Dahmen
André Bruchhage
Torben Rettig

On 10 years with the DERIX Group
Monika Stockmann
Waldemar Bomm
Ludwig Krüer
Konstantin Jaufmann
Walter Frye
Anke Paege
Ulrich Heilers
Mirko Schäfers
Stefan Pache
Dustin Richter
Thomas Fegers
Sanel Klicic
Irmgard Gotzen
Vlado Marjanovic
Jürgen Dulder
Dieter Wirtz

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