Circular construction

Circular construction is an innovative construction method that focuses on keeping buildings and building materials in the use cycle and minimising waste in the construction, operation and dismantling of buildings. This sustainable construction method aims to keep all materials in the cycle in order to reduce resource consumption and combat climate change. Equal use should always be given preference over cascading use in this regard.

The basic principles of circular construction

The aim of circular construction is to preserve the value of materials and products and reduce waste. In contrast to conventional linear construction, where materials are thrown away at the end of their life cycle, circular construction focuses on the reuse of materials. The choice of materials plays an important role: recyclable and easily degradable materials are ideal to enable reuse. Flexible and repurposable constructions are also important to enable the building to be repurposed at a later date.

To facilitate this approach, DERIX Group has already introduced a component take-back obligation in 2021.

The Material Resource Passport and the “Urban Mine”

An important aspect of circular construction is the documentation of the materials and components used. For this purpose, a material resource passport is created that contains information about the material composition and origin as well as the recyclability of the components. This information is stored in material databases such as madaster and can be used for deconstruction and reuse of the materials if required. Buildings thus become raw material depots and the components can be sold on raw material exchanges. The building thus becomes an “urban mine” that has a positive effect on the environment and the economy.

The advantages of circular construction with wood

Circular construction with wood has many advantages for the environment and the climate. Wood is a renewable resource that binds CO2 and thus reduces the greenhouse effect. By using wood as a building material, the CO2 footprint of the building is significantly reduced. Through the consistent transition to a circular economy, this climate protection benefit is considerably extended, because the CO2 remains bound in the wood not only during the building life cycle, but far beyond – potentially indefinitely.


Sustainable building with wood

Wood is a renewable and natural raw material that stores CO2 and thus relieves the environment. Buildings made of wood thus have a positive effect on the atmosphere and always remain a source of raw materials due to the reusability of wood. Learn more about the topic of sustainability when building with wood.

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